Challenge of the Dragon

Challenge of the Dragon

Developer(s) Color Dreams
Publisher(s) Color Dreams
Platform(s) Nintendo Entertainment System
Release date(s)
Mode(s) Single Player
Rating(s) N/A

Challenge of the Dragon was an unlicensed game developed by Color Dreams in 1990 by Dan Burke, John Dywer, Jon Valesh, Dan Lawton. Dan Burke worked on the cover design, art animation, and manual art. Jon did sound programming and infrastructure design. Dan Lawton helped with planning for the game, while John did the music.



Times were once serene in the lush lands of Lorin, long before technology and evil....the evil necromancer Demiwind that is. As a child, this seemingly harmless soul spent his time idly whittling away the hours with magically insignificant spells. Young Demiwind would make an egg float here, a chicken there, or simply conjure a lizard man or two to do this chores for him. Then disaster and puberty struck, rendering young Demiwind a walking testosterone magic machine with an eye for mischief. Some would maintain that wiping out entire villages by accident on purpose was more than mischief!

Main characters

Sir Burkelot - The main character who grew up learning dragon style kung fu. With a funny name which bears a similarity to Dan Burke.

Lady Ninita - Your girlfriend who has been kidnapped by the evil wizard Deniwind. The name bears a resemblance also to Nina Stanley who worked on many Color Dreams titles.

Demiwind - The main antagonist of the game. An evil wizard who took your girlfriend.




Dan Burke Interview

Challenge of the Dragon instruction booklet